Channel Analytics

Our analytics service traces IP addresses to show you the Internet Service Provider's (ISP) name and location. That lets you track your digital marketing campaigns with precision accuracy and secure your website from malicious software attacks.

  •  IP - IP Address
  •  U  - UNIX Epoch Time
  •  URI  - Uniform Resource Id.
  •  RF  - Referal URL (Link)
  •  FL  - Flag (emoji)
  •  AS  - Automous System Number
  •  ISP  - Internet Service Provider
  •  SL  - Secound Level Domain
  •  TL  - Top Level Domain
  •  OT  - Organization Type
  •  CR  - Carrier
  •  CC  - Country Code (USA is #1)
  •  Zip  - Zip Code (USA)
  •  UA  - User Agent (Browser)
  •  Lt  - Local Time (Miami)

Our expert staff monitors and traces the connections to your website. We look for the service providers that your customers use to connect to the Internet, links from online ads, social media and QR codes.




Channel Analytics can detect attacks on your website. Our software, also can help you uncover fraudulent pay per click, online ad traffic. Digital Advertising fraud is a well known problem in the industry and could cost your business lots of money.


Use our service to track your digital marketing campaigns. We look for the address of the ISPs that your target audience uses for Internet access.

Privacy is always our number one priority. Server logs contain public information about IP Address Assignments, User Agents and Timestamps. No private data is recorded. Channel Analytics does not use tracking cookies. No cookie warnings are required.