Web Analytics

Our web analytic software traces IP addresses to show you the Internet Service Provider's (ISP) name and geographic location. That lets you track your digital marketing campaigns with precision accuracy and secure your website from malicious software attacks. After we connect your web server to our service. Our expert staff monitors your website. Then we can trace every connection to your website. We look for local phone, cable and Wi-Fi providers that your real customer base uses to connect to the Internet and backlinks from other websites.

Now that you are able to see all the noise from robotic applications. You could uncover fraudulent on-line ad traffic. Digital Advertising fraud is a well known problem in the industry.




Web Analytics can detect fraudulent on-line ad traffic. Digital Advertising fraud is a well known problem in the industry and could cost your business lots of money. Robots spoof all of the major web browsers. Don't believe these lies. This allows robots to appear as people in Google's analytic reports. For advanced users, We can configure apache2 to record every hit in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format. We use JSON because it is a human-readable format that can be viewed in a text editor like Notepad.


Use our service to track your digital marketing campaigns. We look for the address of the ISPs that your target audience uses for Internet access.

Privacy is always our number one priority. Traffic logs contain public information about IP Address Assignments, User Agents and Timestamps. No private data is recorded. Web Analytics does not use tracking cookies.